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VPC Management and Basic Operations

VPC management offers the following operations. These are basic VPC management actions and don't have any impact on the actual network configurations.

Powering ON/OFF the Virtual Router

Switching the VPC power state is possible using the power status button on top. This will usually be green if the VPC is powered ON, and greyed if powered OFF.

To restart the VPC, navigate to the Operations tab and click on the RESTART VIRTUAL ROUTER option. This will perform a quick reboot and no data will be lost.

VPC Management and Basic Operations

Deleting a VPC

To delete a VPC, navigate to the Operations Section and click on the DELETE VPC NETWORK button. Deleting a VPC will remove it permanently.


Before attempting to delete this VPC, ensure that all Tiers, IPv4 Addresses, and Instances are removed from this VPC. This action is irreversible, and you may not be able to recover any data for this VPC.