📄️ Overview
The Billing and Financials section is designed to give complete details of the Apiculus billing system. This section gives administrators of Apiculus complete access to customers’ billing records, invoices, transactions, and other financial items supported on Apiculus.
📄️ Deactivating a Subscription
Admins on Apiculus can deactivate subscriptions from the Admin Console which will, in turn, remove the resource(s) from the corresponding system(s).
📄️ Updating Subscription Charges
Apiculus Admin Console offers an easy means of handling subscription price changes. Admins can update subscription prices after a resource has been created and bring the new prices in effect from the current billing cycle.
📄️ Adding One-time Charges and Discounts
You can add charges and discounts manually as one-time subscriptions. It is beneficial for the use cases; if the invoice is generated and some discount or charge needs to be recorded for a customer, then you can do the same. This is an excellent boost to billing-related workflows.
📄️ Viewing and Downloading Invoices
You can view all invoices that are generated on the Apiculus system. Apiculus stores invoices as downloadable and printable .pdf files that are stored on the Apiculus management server(s) on the service provider premises.
📄️ Resending an Invoice
Invoices on Apiculus are automatically sent to customers upon generation. However, there may be cases where the email could not be delivered to the customer, was deleted by mistake, or any other way that the email could not be retrieved. For such cases, you can resend invoices to the account.
📄️ Creating a Credit Note Against an Invoice
You can create credit notes against paid or unpaid invoices. A credit note only requires an invoice to be generated and present in the system. Credit notes can be used in cases such as disputed invoices, disputed charges, refunds etc., where editing an invoice is not financially possible.
📄️ Creating Credit Notes in Bulk
Apiculus offers the means to upload credit notes in bulk (generate unique credit notes based on multiple linked invoices).
📄️ Viewing and Downloading Credit Notes
Like invoices, credit notes are also stored as downloadable and printable .pdf files on the Apiculus management servers on the service provider premises. These can be downloaded and viewed in the same way as invoices, and can be accessed from account-level and global credit notes listings.
📄️ Resending Credit Notes
Credit notes can be resent to their account owners from the account-level or global credit notes listings. Like invoices, this will only resend the email/file and not create a new credit note.
📄️ Recording Transactions and Offline Payments
You can record payments received outside the Apiculus system as Transactions using the Apiculus Admin Console. These payments may be against invoices that are open or may be advance payments that adjust against invoices generated in future.
📄️ Viewing Transaction Details
Payments and transactions (online and offline), once recorded on the system, can be viewed in detail with respect to. their amounts, dates, references, modes, narrations and apportionings.
📄️ Reversing Transactions
Transactions and payments, once received and recorded, can not be edited. In case of refunds or cancellations, a reverse entry needs to be made in the accounting books. All online and offline transactions (with the exception of credit notes) can be reversed by clicking on Reverse Icon (reverse icon) in an account-level or global transactions listing, or by clicking on the Reverse action while viewing transaction details.
📄️ Viewing Receipts and Acknowledgments
Transaction receipts can be viewed for any transaction in an account-level or global listing by clicking on Receipt (receipt icon). This will show the current status of any transaction along with transaction reference, associated information, details received from payment gateway etc.
📄️ Recording Tax Deductions
You can configure tax deductions via a new section under Settings called Tax Deductions. This involves taxes deducted by the customers while making a payment and is different from taxation on services which involves taxes charged on the services delivered. Admins can record quarterly tax deductions for all customer invoices. The Tax Deductions section lists all such tax deductions and also allows for adding new items. The Tax Deductions feature is optional and needs to be enabled from the global settings, where admins also get the ability to define their country’s fiscal period and fiscal quarters.
📄️ Viewing Tax Deductions
You can view tax deductions recorded quarterly against historical invoices as per fiscal period configurations.