Create Account
Use this API endpoint to create a subscriber account.
- Endpoint:
- Method:
This endpoint will only work with authenticated admin tokens, i.e., <user_token>
obtained from the /auth/login
endpoint with valid admin credentials.
This endpoint will create subscriber accounts with account_type
as 1
, i.e., tagged as Enterprise
, with all business rules applicable as defined for Enterprise
accounts. The account will be created with the identifier E
in the account ID.
Request Headers
Header name | Required | Description |
x-access-token | true | Pass the <user_token> as obtained from the /auth/login endpoint. |
Request Parameters
Parameters name | Required | Description |
fname | true | First name of the primary subscriber user; only alphabets allowed; should not exceed 255 characters. |
lname | true | Last name of the primary subscriber user; only alphabets allowed; should not exceed 255 characters. |
organization_name | true | Organisation name; alphanumeric allowed; maximum length 255 characters. |
true | Email address of the primary subscriber user; maximum length 255 characters. | |
countryCode | true | Country code obtained from the countryLis t or stateList endpoints; should not exceed 4 characters. |
mobileNumber | true | Phone/mobile number of the primary subscriber user; Should have the no. of digits as specified under SP admin → Settings. |
password | true | Combination of upper and lower case alphabets, numbers and symbols; must follow password length policy as defined under SP admin → Settings; case sensitive. |
acsRegion | optional | Preferred CloudStack region; use any one region from the response of the signUpHelper endpoint; case sensitive. |
address | true | Primary address of the subscriber account/organisation; should not exceed 255 characters. |
city | true | City; should not exceed 255 characters. |
state | true | State; use Subdivision_Code received as a response from the stateList endpoint; case sensitive. |
country | true | Country; use Country_Code received as a response from the stateList endpoint; case sensitive. |
zipcode | optional | Zip/postal code of the subscriber account/oprganisation; only numbers allowed. |
currency | true | Currency to create the new subscriber account with; only supported currencies obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint allowed; use any supported currency code;; case sensitive. |
tax_category | true | Taxability category for this subscriber account; use the correct tax_category as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint; use the value item for the relevant category; case sensitive. |
tax_type1 | optional | Tax type(s) required for subscriber account information; use tax_types as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint; use the name item from the tax types array; case sensitive; max 3 tax types and taxation IDs supported. |
taxation_id1 | conditional` | Taxation ID for tax_type1; validation conditional on required , alpha_num , min and max for the tax_type1 as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint. |
tax_type2 | optional | Tax type(s) required for subscriber account information; use tax_types as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint; use the name item from the tax types array; case sensitive; max 3 tax types and taxation IDs supported. |
taxation_id2 | conditional | Taxation ID for tax_type2 ; validation conditional on required , alpha_num , min and max for the tax_type2 as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint. |
tax_type3 | optional | Tax type(s) required for subscriber account information; use tax_types as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint; use the name item from the tax types array; case sensitive; max 3 tax types and taxation IDs supported. |
taxation_id3 | conditional | Taxation ID for tax_type3 ; validation conditional on required , alpha_num , min and max for the tax_type3 as obtained from the signUpHelper endpoint. |
credit_period | true | Default credit period or invoice due date delay for this subscriber account; number between 1 and 30. |
credit_limit | true | Default credit limit for this subscriber account; any number greater than or equal to 0 . |
resellerCode | true | Reseller code to tag this subscriber account with, if available. |
Sample Request
POST: https://<api_url>/api/pass/createNewUser
- Request Body
- Response JSON
"fname": "user",
"lname": "sample",
"email": "",
"organization_name": “Apiculus",
"countryCode": "91",
"mobileNumber": "9876543210",
"password": "UserSam@178",
"acsRegion": "noida",
"address": "xyz street",
"city": "Bangalore",
"state": "Karnataka",
"country": "IN",
"zipcode": 607878,
"currency": "INR",
"tax_category": "Taxable",
"tax_type1": "CNPJ",
"taxation_id1": "3453242343234",
"tax_type2": "GSTIN",
"taxation_id2": "1234567890",
"tax_type3": "",
"taxation_id3": "",
"credit_period": 2,
"credit_limit": 1000,
"resellerCode": "CODE"
"httpStatus": 200,
"success": true,
"error": {},
"sync": true,
"jobId": "c50p44b1-72ed-4d5b-92c6-30af092fc0e1",
"jobStatusCode": 1,
"cached": false,
"replayed": false,
"result": {
"id": "API-E001",
"email": ""