Date: 09.01.2021
Type: Minor
About this Release
This is a minor release with one new feature and a lot of under-the-hood optimisations and fixes across the apiculus system.
New Feature - PassThrough for Cloudstack-compatible API
apiculus® now supports Cloudstack API for creating virtual machines via the PassThrough mechanism. Users of apiculus® CMP can now use the familiar Apache Cloudstack API to create a single virtual machine or virtual machines in bulk. apiculus® will automatically superimpose the billing layer and all virtual machines created using PassThrough will be billed under a single subscription and charged for the total VM-hours consumed.
Other Fixes and Improvements
- Dunning notifications have been enabled for the service provider’s billing users.
- An issue where custom catalogues were sometimes not visible to child users of the subscriber accounts has been resolved.
- When purchasing virtual machines, a display bug that was causing an incorrect display of rounded configuration values has been resolved.
- An issue where the system was not letting users apply discount codes when the service balance was lower than the item being purchased has been resolved.