Once a cluster is deployed, you can deploy pretty much any application using kubectl. Some examples:
- Postgres DB service - a PostgreSQL Instance can be deployed on a runnning Kubernetes cluster using the kubeconfig manifests. At this moment, we have not automated this. However, there are standard methods of deploying apps and packages (example) available online, all of which just require cluster access via kubectl. The same should be applicable to MongoDB and MySQL instances on clusters.
- Persistent storage - CKS uses CloudStack’s block volumes for cluster storage. As of now, CKS does not support using NFS or S3 as persistent storage for Kubernetes clusters. However, once a cluster is created, its PersistentVolume can be pointed to a S3 bucket using the Cloudian S3 operator.
- Monitoring of Kubernetes infrastructure - users can freely install their own monitoring apps (e.g., Prometheus+Grafana, Rancher etc.) using kubectl and Helm Charts.
- Gitlab, ArgoCD etc. - these apps can be installed using Helm.
- Advanced Load balancing and Certificate management - typically these are handled at the cloud provider level and not at the Kubernetes level.
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